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Belleview choir is dedicated to performing quality shows that are entertaining as well as educationally sound and culturally diverse.  We seek to express the tastes and nationalities represented in the Belleview community which often means singing in foreign languages. In order to reach these high standards, every student must attend all rehearsals and contribute their full attention and effort.  Choir is not run as a class, however, but more as a club with an informal atmosphere.  Students learn to work together productively towards a common goal with less structured rules of behavior.  Disruptive behavior, of course, hinders productivity and will be corrected.



Because the choir practices less than an hour a week, each rehearsal is important to the success of the performances. If a child is ill and misses school as well that day, the absence will be excused through the office.   If there is a family emergency or transportation problem, please let Mr. Eschholz know by phone (720-554-3164) or by email ( before or after the missed rehearsal.  Please try to schedule appointments and other events outside of rehearsal and performance times. 

Students who miss more than 5 rehearsals in one season, may be asked to not perform with the choir since they will not know the music well enough.

Please plan to arrive between 7:00 and 7:10 AM for rehearsals.  Children arriving before 7:00 should wait in their car until seven o’clock because supervision is not available before that time.  If possible, please take care of breakfast before rehearsal so that no rehearsal time is lost for eating.

As the season progresses, we may see a need for extra rehearsals.  Written notice will be given two weeks before the extra rehearsals.



Choir performs in December and May each year, for the school community at a daytime concert and for parents at an evening concert.  If they have been scheduled, dates are found on registration forms or can be obtained through the main office.

Concert attire should not include jeans. Please no tee-shirts with print or logos.  It  should also follow Belleview dress code.



We ask for an optional $10.00 contribution per choir season to pay for music and other choir related costs.  All students are welcome to join choir whether they are able to pay this fee or not.



Parents are welcome to attend choir and assist with vocal instruction or accompanying if they have musical skills.



Choir members are expected to be part of Belleview’s caring and respectful community.  Unkind or disruptive behavior will receive a warning.  A second offence in the same rehearsal will lead to a time-out from the choir.  Two time-out’s may cause a student to be dismissed from choir for the season.


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